Practical Guidance for Strengthening Arms and Dual-Use Trade Controls

 Research Launch

Join us for the launch of a new resource for the export control community – Integrated Implementation of Strategic Trade Control Regimes: A Guide to Good Practices.

This new resource identifies good practice for frontline officers to support integrated, efficient, and enhanced implementation of a range of international instruments pertaining to the trade in arms and dual-use items, including the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, UN Security Council Resolution 1540, and the Arms Trade Treaty.

This virtual launch event will examine the challenges of comprehensive trade control implementation, provide an overview of the Guide to Good Practice, and discuss how it can be used as a practical tool to enhance strategic trade controls on the frontlines.

Featured Speakers

Rick Cupitt, Senior Fellow and Director of the Partnerships in Proliferation Prevention Program, Stimson Center

Adam Bacheller, Strategic Trade and Export Control Trainer, UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Adriana Volenikova, Project Officer on Non-Proliferation of WMD, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Moderated By

Rachel Stohl, Vice President of Research Programs and Director of the Conventional Defense Program, Stimson Center

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