Foreign Direct Investment

Providing foreign direct investment global legislative and implementation best practices and strengthening capacity at the nexus of trade, security, and technology

In Trade Risk Mitigation Research

Given the increasing cross-border flows of sensitive dual-use technologies, building awareness of good practices to manage Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) controls is key to mitigating security risks. The Foreign Direct Investment project identifies global FDI-control-related standards, practices, typologies, and influencing factors around the world, building the basis for increased capacity, knowledge-sharing, and risk mitigation. With FDI controls playing an ever more important role in security and technology management, and an increasing number of countries strengthening legislation and implementation specifically to deal with risks of technology transfer, the project’s identification of best practices and network-building among key stakeholders contributes to nonproliferation and more generally, international peace and security.

Research & Writing

Analyzing the threat of advanced conventional weapons and emerging technologies by describing acquisition typologies and the challenges they pose for targeted countries and sectors
Andrea Viski
Balancing the benefits and risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI), one of the most diffuse and rapidly evolving emerging technologies, is imperative when forming sound policy
Andrea Viski
The objective of this report is to empower governments with tools, in the form of good practices, with which to conduct outreach to emerging technology sectors that could be targeted by non-State actors for malicious purposes
Andrea Viski
While trade controls on dual-use technology transfer can promote peace and mitigate security threats, overly cumbersome policies may impose economic burdens on the private sector that threaten competitiveness and innovation
Andrea Viski

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Publications & Project Lists

38 North: News and Analysis on North Korea