Stimson in the News

Yuki Tatsumi’s Op-Ed In The Diplomat On Japan’s Defense Industry

On October 1, 2015, the Japan Ministry of Defense (JMOD) implemented a major reorganization. The reorganization effort focuses on streamlining a policy- and decision-making processes on two of its key functions — operation of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and acquisition of defense equipment.

In particular, the establishment of the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA) — Bouei Soubi-cho in Japanese — is a move that has been much anticipated among those who are interested in seeing more robust cooperation between the United States and Japan in defense technology. Ever since Abe administration announced the new three principles for Japan’s defense equipment transfers, many have pointed out the need for the MOD to streamline its own defense acquisition process, strategize Japan’s defense technology policy, and facilitate private sector efforts to pursue collaboration with non-Japanese firms.

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