The Crime of Aggression, Protected Points, and the Challenges of Citizen Evidence Collection


At this APSG meeting, Professor Federica D’Alessandra gave an overview of the crime of aggression and the various mechanisms under consideration in order to address Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Director Kristin Smith focused on the issue of protected points: what they are and how they can lose their protected status. These presentations were followed by a general discussion of the challenges of civilian collection of information for use in war crime prosecutions.


Professor Federica D’Alessandra, Oxford University’s Deputy Director of the Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (ELAC) and Executive Director of the Program on International Peace and Security (IPS) at the Blavatnik School of Government

Kristin Smith,  Director of the American Bar Association’s Atrocity Crimes Initiative, a group of projects (including the International Criminal Court Project) focused on atrocity prevention, response and accountability and jointly supported by ABA’s Criminal Justice Section and the Center for Human Rights. She also serves as a Staff Attorney for the ABA’s Criminal Justice Section.


Jim Finkel, Nonresident Fellow, Protecting Civilians in Conflict program, Stimson Center

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