2023 Catalogue of Civil Society Activities Supporting the Chemical Weapons Convention

Highlighting civil society activities to support the Chemical Weapons Convention

Civil society is essential to strengthening chemical security and nonproliferation. This catalogue is a uniform collection of projects led by civil society organizations contributing to the Chemical Weapons Convention. With this resource, international organizations, states, and industry will have a better understanding of the ways in which civil society contributes to reducing the threat of chemical weapons and promoting the peaceful use of chemistry.


The Stimson Center is pleased to present a catalogue of civil society capacity-building, assistance, and/or research programs supporting the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). The catalogue highlights all interested parties, including the CWC States Parties, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, international organizations, and industry stakeholders, civil society’s contributions to strengthen reducing the threat of chemical weapons and promoting the peaceful use of chemistry. By providing a uniform product, interested parties will be able to easily identify programs, experts, and organizations that support the CWC and related chemical weapons nonproliferation instruments.

In total, 14 projects were contributed by two individual experts and seven organizations, the majority of which were think tanks and research or academic institutes. These civil society organizations were spread across three continents, with five organizations based in Europe, three in the United States, and one in South America.

The median project duration, as of the time of submission, was approximately four years, and the geographic focus was diverse, with 11 described as “worldwide,” two focusing on Central Asia and the Caucasus, and one on Europe. Project types largely fell into the categories of knowledge sharing/best practices, border/export controls, legislative/regulatory assistance, and preparedness/responses. This catalogue is compiled by the Henry L. Stimson Center. As applicable, material contained in this catalogue will be included in the Stimson Center’s UNSC Resolution 1540 Assistance Support Initiative Database, available at https://1540assistance.stimson.org/.

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