Stimson in the News

Stimson’s “Strategic Agility” report is cited by Value Walk

While Republicans in both the Senate and The House of Representatives throw everything they have, which is very little, into defunding Obamacare while risking a government shutdown, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is looking into considerably less futile means by which to cut federal spending.

Department of Defense budget cut

Today, Mr. Hagel announced that he will look to cut the Army by 80,000 while also reducing the Marines by an unspecified amount. But is that enough?

Not according to a report issued Tuesday by the non-partisan Henry L. Stimson Center. The report suggests that the Department of Defense could cut an additional 60,000 troops and 50,000 civilian workers without sacrificing military readiness. Certainly, Congressmen and Congresswomen who have bases in their districts along with a number of hawks will disagree.

The report suggests that the Army, which currently has 570,000, could be reduced to 430,000 without reducing its capabilities.

To read the full article, click here.



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