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UNSCR 1540 – Security – Development Matrices

Development and security programs are often treated as conflicting priorities in national budgets, ignoring untapped opportunities to leverage each in mutual support. Since 2006, the Stimson Center has been implementing an innovative model of engagement that bridges this security development divide. The goal is to build an enduring and mutual interest with Governments of the Global South in more robust implementation of nonproliferation standards. The model builds a direct link between defined in-country needs pertaining to, among others, economic development, public health, and citizen security with wider nonproliferation obligations.

Using UN Security Council Resolution 1540 as a leverage point, this effort has helped to achieve both “soft” security (global development) and “hard” security (nonproliferation) objectives, thereby addressing identified in-country needs of the Global South while building state capacity to manage and ensure the sustainability of nonproliferation and global security efforts. The end result will be less duplication of effort, more efficient utilization of limited resources for the global good, and greater interest among developing countries in implementing nonproliferation mandates.

To demonstrate this model, Stimson has developed a set of matrices that link 1540, security, and development in graphic tables. These matrices aim to show the connections among UNSCR 1540’s requirements, the security interests of potential donor countries, and the development priorities of developing countries.

This project is currently under construction.

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