AI Connect Initiative

An initiative that encouraged the responsible stewardship of AI technologies in line with OECD AI Principles and that empowered low and middle-income countries to more effectively participate in the global, multi-stakeholder conversation on AI policy

Originally published at the Atlantic Council.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies hold great promise to increase prosperity and innovation, as well as enrich the human experience. The GeoTech Center’s AI Connect program, led and envisioned at the time from Julian Mueller-Kaler, sought to foster a global community of government, academic, industry, and civil society stakeholders with a vested interest in advancing the responsible stewardship of trustworthy AI as embodied in the OECD Recommendations. With the promotion of this concept in mind, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy partnered with the Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center to implement the AI Connect program. This extensive grant provided programmatic assistance to empower low- and middle-income countries to more effectively participate in global, multi-stakeholder conversations on the responsible use of AI. AI Connect had three lines of effort in pursuit of these goals.

For more information about the initiative and its content, visit The Atlantic Council.

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