Smart Partnerships Amid Great Power Competition

How can countries successfully collaborate on big data, AI, and other modern technologies amid the widening political gyre?

Originally published at The Atlantic Council.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies are developing at an exponential pace, and the discussion about their use as well as their implications for society and international relations is shaped by uncertainty. Whether it is the future of work, the collection and application of data, or new means for surveillance and social manipulation—AI will most likely influence every aspect of modern life. Change is coming no matter whether people like it or not, and decision makers are under pressure to prepare for a new world in the digital age.

The report captures key takeaways from the GeoTech Center’s Smart Partnerships Series, led at the time by Mathew Burrows and Julian Mueller-Kaler, identifies the challenges and opportunities that different regions of the world face when dealing with emerging technologies, and evaluates China’s role as a global citizen. In times of economic decoupling and rising geopolitical bipolarity, it highlights opportunities for smart partnerships, describes how data and AI applications can be harnessed for good, and develops scenarios on where an AI-powered world might be headed. Given the experimental nature of emerging technologies, it will come as no surprise that the emphasis is thereby put on the need for regulatory cooperation, even as the authors recognize recognize that AI development has become a new playing field for great power competition.

Read the full report at The Atlantic Council.

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