Weapons of Mass Destruction

For decades, governments around the world have used the same WMD nonproliferation playbook designed to combat a state-centric proliferation challenge, largely from former Soviet states. Today, in an era where sensitive technologies can be found in all corners of the world, and where not only states, but private companies, terrorist organizations and even individuals contribute to the proliferation supply chain, our efforts to curb this threat must go beyond conventional approaches. MAB works with developed and developing governments, international and sub-regional organizations, industry, and the NGO community to develop the next generation WMD nonproliferation programming.

Most recently, the Stimson Center initiated a pilot project to have universities, law schools and law firms help countries fulfill anti-WMD/terrorism obligations. This 2014-2015 pilot project hopes to actively engage civil society in fostering international security.

Some highlights of this work:

Stimson Connector Initiative

UN High Rep Angela Kane On 1540 At OAS

Beyond Boundaries in Southeast Asia: Dual-Benefit Capacity Building to Bridge the Security/Development Divide 

Courting the Global South with “Dual Benefit” Nonproliferation Engagement

Meeting the Objectives of UN Security Council Resolution 1540:The Role of Civil Society

To Counter Nuclear Smuggling, Target All Smuggling

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38 North: News and Analysis on North Korea